Archive for September, 2003

The Clash Within Islam

By • Sep 28th, 2003 • Category: Works On Soroush

Encounter (Radio National)  Sunday 28/09/2003 Summary: Next week, the new library of Alexandria in Egypt will host a meeting that could be critical to the future of Islam. Muslim religious authorities, government and community leaders from Islamic communities around the world and Muslim scholars of Islam will gather there to dialogue about social justice, democracy […]

Pluralism Conference Report

By • Sep 12th, 2003 • Category: Works On Soroush

National Catholic Reporter  The Independent Newsweekly September 12, 2003 Pluralism conference report; A conversation with Fr. Roger Haight; The Sant’Egidio conference; Slovakia preview By JOHN L. ALLEN JR.   At a four-day summit of religious pluralists, or theologians who believe that all the world’s great religions are valid paths of salvation, I was especially struck […]