Publications In English
Reason, Freedom, and Democracy in Islam
Essential Writing of Abdolkarim
Soroush, Translated, Edited and with a critical Introduction by
Mahmoud Sadri and Ahmad Sadri
Published by
Oxford University Press, 236p
The paper back edition was published in January 2002
From the Publisher
Abdolkarim Soroush has emerged as one of the leading moderate revisionist thinkers of the Muslim world. He and his contemporaries in other Muslim countries are shaping what may become Islam’s equivalent of the Christian Reformation: a period of questioning traditional practices and beliefs and, ultimately, of upheaval. Presenting eleven of his essays, this volume makes Soroush’s thought readily available in English for the first time. The essays set forth his views on such matters as the freedom of Muslims to interpret the Qur’an, the inevitability of change in religion, the necessity of freedom of belief, and the compatibility of Islam and democracy. Throughout, Soroush emphasizes the rights of individuals in their relationship with both government and God, explaining that the ideal Islamic state can only be defined by the beliefs and will of the majority.
“This selection of [Khatami’s] writings reveals a genuinely liberal intellect rooted in Soroush’s Iranian and Islamic culture but at home with Western thought…his statements are penetrating and coherent.” –Foreign Affairs
“Soroush’s call for the unabashed application of reason to all the problems of the Muslim community is a profoundly liberating approach to religious and intellectual modernization.”–Social Epistemology Journal of Knowledge, Culture, & Policy
A paper first presented at the Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University, April 1995 and published in Liberal Islam, a sourcebook edited by Charles Kurzman, New York, Oxford University Press, 1998, pp 244-251
Non-Causal Theory of Justice in Rumi’s Work
ISBN: 1883058317 (Hardcover, 26pp)Publisher: Global Academic Publishing
(Tradition and Secularism) (436p)
Akhlāgh-e Khodāyān
(Moral of Gods)(208p)
Āeen-e Shahriāry va Dindāry
(Urban Ritual and Religious Convictions) (448p)
Ghomār-e Āsheghāneh
(Amorous Gamble)
Paperback: 330 pages
Publisher: Serat;
Chåap-i 2. edition (March 10, 2000)
ISBN: 9645633079
Serāt-hay-e Mostagheem
(Straight Paths) (333p)
Nahād-e Nā-Ārām-e Gahān
(World’s Agitating Character) (111p)
(Expansion of Prophetic Experience) (381p)
This book contains the essays on religion and religious experience in the last couple of years. The book should be considered the second volume of “Text in Context”. As the subject of the latter book is the evolution of religion, explaining that religious knowledge is distinct from religion itself, the former book explains the historicity of religion and religious experience.
(Political Letter) (384p)
This book is a collection of Dr. Soroush’s letters to Iranian top authorities, whether open or private letters.
(Administration and Tolerance) (688p)
This book contains the fundamentals of Dr. Soroush’s socio-political essays of the last couple of years. One feature of this work is that it also contains some of the critics’ articles. This will not only assist the reader towards a better understanding and clearer assessment of the issues under study, it will also demonstrate part of the history of Iran’s contemporary thought.
Mathnavi Ma’navi
(Rumi’s Mathnavi) (Vol-1, 540p; & Vol-2, 571p)
A new edition of mathnavi, with introduction and corrections by Dr. Soroush. Published in 1996.
Hadees-e Bandegi va Delbordegi
(The Tale of Love and Servitude) (292p)
This book is on the subject of du`a (religious prayer or supplication).
Dars-hāy-ey dar falsafeh-e Elm-ol-Egtemā’e
(Lessons on the Philosophy of the Sciences) (494p)
Hekmat va Ma’eeshat
(Wisdom and Subsistence), Second volume) (421p)
This is the second volume of this series which interpret mostly the Imam Ali’s letter to his son, Imam Hassan.
Farbeh Tar Az Ideology
(Sturdier Than Ideology) (381p)
This book is named after the most important article in it which discusses the subject of making religion equal to an ideology, and the role of the late Dr Shariati in doing so. By “making religion equal to an ideology”, he means making out of religion a codified system, bereft of the element of perplexity, which is used as a weapon and is foe-generating and foe-seeking, and in particular stresses hatred more than it stresses love. He also points out that for making religion equal to an ideology it is necessary that there be an official group of interpreters for it; this being harmful to the religion, and even contrary to the late Ali Shariati’s own view, seeing that he was not pleased with the clergy and did not regard their existence as an official class befitting to the religion’s true esteem.
Ghesseh-ye Arbāb-e Ma’refat
(The Story of the Lords of Wisdom) (433p)This comprises an exposition of the thoughts of great men such as Ghazzali, Maulawi (Rumi), Hafiz, and Dr Shari`ati. It is a collection of articles separately written and previously published in Kayhan-e
Farhangi and later in the journal Kiyan.
Rāzdāni va Roshanfekri va Dindāri
(Wisdom, Intellectualism and Religious Conviction) (340p)
This book highlights elements of intellectualism as well as religiosity, and seeks to explain how they can be reconciled with each other. Here Soroush also draws a comparison between the two different approaches to understanding religion adopted by Motahhari and Shariati.
Owsāf-e Pārsāyān
(Attributes of the Pious) (442p)
Elaboration of one of Imam Ali’s famous sermons in Nahjol-Balagheh, known as “Sermon of the Pious”. The book is based on a series of lectures delivered at Imam Sadegh Mosque, Tehran.
Qabz va Bast-e Teoric Shari’at – ya Nazariyeh-ye Takāmol-e Ma’refat-e Dini
(The Theory of Evolution of Religious Knowledge or- Text in Context)
(681p)The most controversial of all his books. This is a collection of articles that had earlier appeared in the monthly journal “Kayhan-e Farhangi” and had caused much controversy even then. The book has gone through four impressions, twenty thousand copies being published. In this book he presents a detailed discussion on the subject of the evolution of religion, explaining that religious knowledge is distinct from religion itself – the former being one among many of the branches of human knowledge and in interaction and transaction with them so that if the other branches of knowledge are subject to change and transformation, one can expect religious knowledge also to go through transformations. Dr Soroush has also proposed the mechanism for this transformation,
emphasizing that, in reality, it is the human beings’ understanding of religion that constitutes religious knowledge.
Ideology-e Sheitāni
(Mischievous Ideology) (191p)
Tafarroj-e Son’a
(Lectures on Ethics and Human Sciences) (514p)
Since during the period of the closure of universities the Social Sciences were coming under severe attack, Soroush rose to the challenge of defending them. He published sixteen articles in the monthly journal SOROUSH (no relation) which together with a few other articles were later compiled and published in this book.
(Dialectic Conflicts) (203p)
(What is Science? What is Philosophy?) (223p)
Dānesh va Arzesh
(Knowledge and Value) This is on the subject of the Philosophy of Ethics and in the main addresses the relation between “is” and “ought” and unveils a hidden fallacy in a kind of Scientific Ethics. By “Scientific Ethics” Soroush means Ethics that are based on Science and seek to derive (ethical) values from that which “is” and from descriptions of things.
His lecturing on the Philosophy of Empirical Sciences and also the Philosophy of Social Sciences led him to translate some important books and articles in these fields, thus making them accessible to the university students. These include:
By: Daniel Little
(January 1995)
Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Physical Sciences
By:Edwin A. Burtt (August 1991)
Which is a neoclassical text with a detailed introduction that Soroush added to it and made it
The Philosophy of Social Sciences
By: Alan Ryan
Which is a set of articles on philosophy of science in the Encyclopaedia of Philosophy edited by Paul Edwards.
القبض والبسط في الشريعة
تأليف:عبد الكريم سروش
الناشر: دار الجديد – لبنان (۲۰۰۳)
ان المعرفة الدينية، كأي معرفة
أخرى، هي حصيلة جهد البشر وتأملهم، وهي دائما مزيج
من الآراء الظنية واليقينية، ومن الحق والباطل،
ولا مجال لإنكار تطور هذه المجموعة
وتكاملها. نحن لا نقول إن الوحي الذي أتى به
الأنبياء يكمله البشر إنما نقول إن فهم
البشر لمفاد الوحي يتطور. ولا نقول إن هذا
التحول كان مقترنا، في كل مكان وزمان،
بظهور آراء قيمة ومحكمة، ولكننا نقول إن السير
في الطريق الصعبة غير المعبدة،
والسقوط والنهوض، والصلح والحرب، والخطأ والصواب،
والتخطئة والتصويب، هو الذي يصحح
المسار وييسر الارتقاء.
النسخة الإلكترونية لدى
Arabic eBook
Abdul Karim Soroush
Menggugat Otoritas Tradisi Agama
Penulis: Abdul Karim Soroush
Tahun 2002, 395 halaman, Softcover
Harga Rp 39800,00
ISBN: 979-433-309-3
تکامل فهم بشری
دکتر عبدالکریم سروش
مترجم: سید منظور حیدر
ترتیب و حواشی: باقر علی شاه
زبان اردو