Archives for the ‘ Works On Soroush ’ Category

Is the Islamic Republic Unraveling?

By • Feb 7th, 2000 • Category: Works On Soroush

THE LAST GREAT REVOLUTION Turmoil and Transformation in Iran By: Robin Wright These are exciting times in Iran. As the revolution enters its fourth decade, the Islamic regime is under attack from without and within. Iran’s youthful population is restive. A reform-minded President Mohammad Khatami is battling to make the system more open and accountable. […]

Iran’s New Revolution

By • Feb 1st, 2000 • Category: Works On Soroush

Magazine:  Foreign Affairs Issue: January/February 2000 (volume 79, number 1) Author:Robin Wright PROMISES, PROMISES A generation after it seized power, Iran’s revolutionary regime is deeply troubled: fractured by intense political divisions, endangered by economic disorder, discredited by rampant corruption, and smothered in social restrictions no longer acceptable to large sectors of its changing population. To the […]

The Coming Transformation in the Muslim World

By • Jan 1st, 2000 • Category: Works On Soroush

The Student Movement in the Islamic Republic of Iran

By • Nov 1st, 1999 • Category: Works On Soroush

Ali Akbar Mahdi Journal of Iranian Research and Analysis, Volume 15 Number 2 November 1999 1. Introduction 2. The Student Movement during the Pahlavi Period 3. The Student Movement during Khomeini’s Rule …..3.1. Prior to the Cultural Revolution …..3.2. The Student Movement and the Cultural Revolution …..3.3. Student Organizations as the Arm of the State […]

Liberal Islam – Prospects and Challenges

By • Sep 1st, 1999 • Category: Works On Soroush

Middle East Review of International Affairs (Volume 3, No. 3 September 1999) By: Charles Kurzman Editor’s Summary: The author suggests that there is an important and growing group in Middle Eastern Islam which advocates liberal solutions to the problems of religion and society. Professor Kurzman outlines the different approaches of these thinkers and the reasons […]

The Crisis of Religious Ligitimacy in Iran

By • Apr 1st, 1999 • Category: Works On Soroush

Challenges and Complicities: Abdolkarim Soroush and Gender

By • Jan 1st, 1999 • Category: Works On Soroush

Ziba Mir-Hosseini, Islam and Gender: the religious debate in contemporary Iran, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999 I began studying the works of Abdolkarim Sorush in autumn 1995, after the second of my debates with Payam-e Zan, and following the disruption his lectures by the Ansar-e Hezbollah, “helpers of Hezbollah.”(1) On 11 October, Sorush was invited […]

Religious Pluralism

By • Jan 1st, 1999 • Category: Works On Soroush

A Debate between Soroush and Kadivar (Monazereyeh Soroush va Kadivar darbareyeh pluralismeh deenee) Tehran: Salam Publications, 1st publication 1999, 5th publication 2000 Dr Abdolkarim Soroush stood for religious pluralism in a paper called Straight Paths (Serathayeh mostaqim), Kian Monthly (banned in 2000). Under the unhealthy climate in which politics is developing, critiques on this paper […]

Let the Occasional Chalice Break

By • Oct 28th, 1998 • Category: Works On Soroush

Abdolkarim Soroush and Islamic liberation theology Oct 26, 1998 The Iranian Mahmoud Sadri and Ahmad Sadri ‘s introduction to a volume of articles by Abdolkarim Soroush — Reason, Freedom and Democracy in Islam — published by Oxford University Press. Also see chapter entitled “The Idea of Democratic Religious Government”. I. The Local Context – The […]

Political Islam and the West

By • Apr 27th, 1998 • Category: Works On Soroush

April 1998, Pages 34, 92, 123 Special Report “Political Islam and the West” Conference in Cyprus Attracts 600 Participants  By Dr. Farid Mirbagheri A conference on “Political Islam and the West” attracted some 600 participants in Cyprus Oct. 30 and 31. More than 30 speakers delivered their papers in eight tightly-arranged sessions at the Nicosia […]