Archives for the ‘ Works On Soroush ’ Category

The Search for Human Rights Within an Islamic Framework in Iran

By • Oct 1st, 2004 • Category: Works On Soroush

Deciphering Iran: The Political Evolution of the Islamic Republic and U.S. Foreign Policy After September 11

By • Oct 1st, 2004 • Category: Works On Soroush

Book Review By Ahmad Sadri

By • Sep 1st, 2004 • Category: Works On Soroush

International Journal of Middle East Studies (2004), 36:333-334 Cambridge University Press Copyright © 2004 Cambridge University Press DOI 10.1017/S0020743804562062 ASHK DAHLEN, Deciphering the Meaning of Revealed Law: The Sorushian Paradigm in Shi‘i Epistemology, Studia Iranica Upsaliensia 5 (Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2001). Pp. 384. Ashk Dahlen’s erudite dissertation sets up the comparative legal philosophies of […]

Beyond the “Clash of Civilizations”, Shaping Reform in Muslim Societies

By • Jul 30th, 2004 • Category: Works On Soroush

By Abdou Filali-Ansary (THE DAILY STAR – REGIONAL) Friday, July 30, 2004 The “clash of civilizations” supposedly under way between the West and the Muslim world, which many see as manifested in Iraq, as well as in Saudi Arabia’s growing violence, in fact masks other conflicts – disputes that will probably prove to be far […]

Ideas of New Muslim Reformers Taking Root

By • Jul 21st, 2004 • Category: Works On Soroush

[STS] Ideas of new Muslim reformers taking root Posted on Wednesday, July 21, 2004, 08:02 am The Straits Times, Singapore 21 July 2004 Ideas of new Muslim reformers taking root By Abdou Filali-Ansary THE ‘clash of civilisations’ supposedly under way between the West and the Muslim world, which many see as manifested in Iraq as […]

Gun Barrel Democracy? Democratic Constitutionalism Following Military Occupation

By • May 14th, 2004 • Category: Works On Soroush

For an Open Interpretation of the Koran

By • May 4th, 2004 • Category: Works On Soroush

The reformist thinker and philosopher Abdolkarim Soroush is one of a new generation of theologians that openly speaks out in favor of human rights and secularism in Iran. Katajun Amirpur about an awkward Iranian intellectual. Most people consider the Islamic Republic of Iran to be a fundamentalist theocracy that fosters a radical interpretation of Islam. […]

Mission Reforming Islam by Abid Ullah Jan

By • Apr 22nd, 2004 • Category: Works On Soroush

Al-Jazeerah, April 22, 2004 A specter haunts the world, and that specter is Islam. This is not the Islam discoverable in the pages of the Qur’an and life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), but a mythical Islam that is the product of the new form of anti-Islamism that Yossi Klein Halevi, writing in the Los Angeles […]

America and the “Islamic Revival”

By • Apr 12th, 2004 • Category: Works On Soroush

A Critique and a Prologue to Dialectical Contradiction by Ali Parsa

By • Apr 1st, 2004 • Category: Works On Soroush

Published in the Journal of Iranian Research and Analysis, Vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 141-148, April 2004.  Abdul Karim Soroush, Naghdi va daramadi bar tazaad-e dialectiki [A Critique and a Prologue to Dialectical Contradiction], Serat cultural Institute Publishing, Tehran, 1994. Soroush harshly assaults the traditional dialectic methodology, and he argues that its use can be […]