Archives for the ‘ Works On Soroush ’ Category

Iran: The Struggle for the Revolutions’s Soul

By • Aug 5th, 2002 • Category: Works On Soroush

“The Roving Eye” Iran Diary, Part 8 – Stop press – Asia Times

By • Jun 7th, 2002 • Category: Works On Soroush

TEHRAN – Abdul Karim Soroush, a philosopher-theologian, is a leading thinker of post-Islamist Iran. But it’s impossible to meet him at his office near Tehran University. Soroush has been in jail for five months now, accused of talking and writing against the regime. His private secretary says that any communication has to pass through his […]

The Fundamentalist Factor by Scott Appleby

By • Mar 1st, 2002 • Category: Works On Soroush

A Window on Islam: The Humanization of Religion

By • Mar 1st, 2002 • Category: Works On Soroush

Comments by: Donald Cupitt (Catholics  for  a  Changing  Church) Dr Abdul Karim Soroush is a Muslim, an Iranian academic lawyer. Through Peter Lumsden and the Internet, a rare lecture of his, on Religious Knowledge, has come to RENEW. The gist of it follows. IN SCIENTIFIC study of nature, we know now that observation does not […]

Interview with Ehsan Naraqi: A Generation in the Process of Development

By • Feb 26th, 2002 • Category: Works On Soroush

Bonyan; Persian Morning Daily Saturday, February 26, 2002, Vol. 1, No 4 Summary: Ehsan Naraqi, the advisor to the former UNESCO director-general Federico Mayor, believes that although Iran has ranked second among the Muslim nations in terms of publication, it has hit the bottom of the list in terms of international recognition. It has led […]

Coming to terms with Modernity: Iranian Intellectuals and the emerging Public Sphere

By • Jan 1st, 2002 • Category: Works On Soroush

The Reform Movement in Contemporary Iran

By • Jan 1st, 2002 • Category: Works On Soroush

The Evolution of Iranian Islamism from the Revolution Through the Contemporary Reformers

By • Jan 1st, 2002 • Category: Works On Soroush

Religious Modernists and the “Woman Question”: Challenges and Complicities

By • Jan 1st, 2002 • Category: Works On Soroush

Book on Abdolkarim Soroush Published in Indonesian Language

By • Jan 1st, 2002 • Category: Works On Soroush

Menggugat Otoritas Tradisi Agama Penulis: Abdul Karim Soroush Tahun 2002, 395 halaman, Softcover Harga Rp 39800,00 ISBN: 979-433-309-3 Setiap zaman tampaknya menghendaki lahirnya pembaru yang khas sesuai dengan tantangan dan semangat zamannya. Jika abad klasik Islam melahirkan figur-figur semacam Al-Ghazali dan Rumi, abad modern Islam melahirkan figur-figur semacam Iqbal dan Khomeini, maka akhir abad ke-20 […]