Justice as a Redundant Concept in Islamic Jurispridence
By HD • Nov 1st, 2016 • Category: LecturesAbdulkarim Soroush’s talk at Dayton University Seminar on Islam and Social Justice
Abdulkarim Soroush’s talk at Dayton University Seminar on Islam and Social Justice
Talk at Alberta University, Dec 2015 Abdulkarim Soroush_Language of Rights and Language of Obligations: An Islamic Perspective from Faculty of Arts.
A Comparative Study between Abdolkarim Soroush and Mohsen Kadivar. This dissertation describes the nature of what has been called “new theology” in the Islamic Republic of Iran. It argues that…
Since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the abolition of the institution of the Caliphate in 1924, Islam has become a focal point of reference for a variety of pan-Islamist movements, intellectual arguments and political activists. During the Cold War period…
Abdolkarim Soroush is the penname for Hossein Haj Faraj Dabbᾱgh (1945–). He is one of the most controversial figures in the religious and political polemics of postrevolutionary Iran…
The Iranian philosopher Abd al-Karim Soroush is an important thinker on the topics of religion knowledge and how this relates to reason. His best-known work…